metpa: metpa | metpa symbol |
gsea_background: Background | a collection of the functional related gene consist of this background model. (假设基因组是有许多个功能聚类的集合构成的) |
gene_symbol: BackgroundGene | a member gene in a gsea cluster model, or a symbol reference to the target object. |
clusterIDs | get all of the cluster id set from the given background model object |
moleculeIDs | get all of the molecule id set from the given background model object |
meta_background | |
dag.background | create gsea background from a given obo ontology file data. |
append.id_terms | |
background.id_mapping | do id mapping of the members in the background cluster |
read.background | Load GSEA background model from a xml file. |
write.background | Save GSEA background model as xml file |
background_summary | |
clusterInfo | get cluster info data table |
geneSet.annotations | make gene set annotation via a given gsea background model |
geneSet.intersects | get an intersection id list between the background model and the given gene id list. |
KO.table | convert the background model to a data table |
gsea_cluster | Create a cluster for gsea background |
metpa | Create the gsea background model for metabolism analysis |
as.background | cast the cluster data as the enrichment background |
KO_reference | gene/protein KO id background |
as.geneSet | |
metabolism.background | create kegg maps background for the metabolism data analysis |
compoundBrite | get kegg compound class brite background model |
KO.background | create kegg background model |