metpa {SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.HTS.GSEA.KnowledgeBase.Metabolism.Metpa} .NET clr documentation



metpa symbol

the pathway enrichment model contains multiple data collection: 1. metpa.msetList is a set of the metabolite collection in each pathway cluster model 2. metpa.rbcList the impact score via algorithm Topologys.rbc 3. metpa.dgrList the impact score via algorithm Topologys.dgr 4. metpa.pathIds the pathway name collection these data is required for run topology impact enrichment analysis.


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.HTS.GSEA.KnowledgeBase.Metabolism.Metpa
export class metpa {
   dgrList: dgrList;
   graphList: graphList;
   msetList: msetList;
   pathIds: pathIds;
   pathSmps: pathSmps;
   rbcList: rbcList;
   # the count of the metabolite inside current model
   unique_count: integer;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member dgrList: dgrList
  2. use by property member graphList: graphList
  3. use by property member msetList: msetList
  4. use by property member pathIds: pathIds
  5. use by property member pathSmps: pathSmps
  6. use by property member rbcList: rbcList

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]