uniprot_kb: entry | Describes a UniProtKB entry.
经过shadow copy之后可以使用主键@ |
as.data.frame.entry | entry: Describes a UniProtKB entry.
经过shadow copy之后可以使用主键@ |
open.uniprot | open a uniprot database file |
parseUniProt | |
proteinTable | export protein annotation data as data frame. |
get_sequence | |
get_description | |
get_subcellularlocation | get subcellular location of current protein |
get_pathways | get related pathway names of current protein |
get_reactions | |
get_xrefs | get external database reference id set |
protein.seqs | populate all protein fasta sequence from the given uniprot database reader |
id_unify | id unify mapping |
metaboliteSet |