GeneTable {SMRUCC.genomics.ComponentModel.Annotation} .NET clr documentation



The gene dump information from the NCBI genbank. (从GBK文件之中所导出来的一个基因对象的简要信息,尝试使用这个对象以csv表格的格式存储一个基因的所有的注释信息)


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.ComponentModel.Annotation
export class GeneTable {
   # 基因序列
   CDS: string;
   # The COG feature
   COG: string;
   commonName: string;
   EC_Number: string;
   # The gene product function description
   function: string;
   GC_Content: double;
   geneName: string;
   GI: string;
   # The Go term id list of current protein object
   GO: string;
   InterPro: string;
   # The KEGG Ortholog feature
   KO: string;
   left: integer;
   length: integer;
   Location: NucleotideLocation;
   # 假若在GBK文件之中没有Locus_tag属性,则导出函数@M:SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.GenBank.gbExportService.DumpEXPORT(SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.GenBank.GBFF.Keywords.FEATURES.CDS)会尝试使用GeneTable.ProteinId来替代
   locus_id: string;
   ProteinId: string;
   right: integer;
   species: string;
   # 该蛋白质所位于的基因组的在NCBI之中的编号信息
   SpeciesAccessionID: string;
   strand: string;
   Transl_table: string;
   Translation: string;
   UniprotSwissProt: string;
   UniprotTrEMBL: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member Location: NucleotideLocation

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]