TaxonomyNode {SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.Taxonomy} | .NET clr documentation |
The tree node calculation model for NcbiTaxonomyTree, a labeled tree node for a specific ncbi taxid.
# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.Taxonomy
export class TaxonomyNode {
children: iterates(String);
# the scientific name of current taxonomy node
name: string;
# get size of list TaxonomyNode.children
nchilds: integer;
# 当前的节点的父节点的编号: @
parent: string;
# One of the value in array collection NcbiTaxonomyTree.stdranks.
# (当前节点的分类等级)
rank: string;
# the NCBI taxonomy id
taxid: integer;
: iterates(String)