NcbiTaxonomyTree {SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.Taxonomy} .NET clr documentation



Builds the following dictionnary from NCBI taxonomy nodes.dmp and names.dmp files

 { Taxid   : namedtuple('Node', ['name', 'rank', 'parent', 'children'] }
+ +


> The NCBI Taxonomy database Is a curated Set Of names And classifications For all Of the organisms that are represented In GenBank ( can be accessed via it can be downloaded from the form of 2 files : nodes.dmp for the structure of the tree And names.dmp for the names of the different nodes.

Here I make available my In-memory mapping Of the NCBI taxonomy : a Python 2.7 Class that maps the names.dmp And nodes.dmp files In a Python dictionnary which can be used To retrieve lineages, descendants, etc ...


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.Taxonomy
export class NcbiTaxonomyTree {
   # {taxid -> taxonomy_node}
   Taxonomy: list;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member Taxonomy: list

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]