Channel {SMRUCC.genomics.GCModeller.ModellingEngine.Dynamics.Core} .NET clr documentation



Biological flux object model, the reaction channel. (反应过程通道)

make flux dynamics association between a set of metabolite mass Variable. the flux dynamics could be affects via the environment Controls. dynamics of the reaction flux was contraint via the Channel.bounds range.


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.GCModeller.ModellingEngine.Dynamics.Core
export class Channel {
   # 因为细胞微环境内的容量很小,没有办法使整个反应过程以很大的速率来进行
   #  在这里设置反应的正反过程这两个方向上的上下限?
   bounds: Boundary;
   # 在衡量了Channel.forwardChannel.reverse的效应大小之后,当前的反应的方向
   direct: Directions;
   forward: Controls;
   ID: string;
   isBroken: boolean;
   reverse: Controls;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member bounds: Boundary
  2. use by property member direct: Directions
  3. use by property member forward: Controls
  4. use by property member reverse: Controls

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]