Term {SMRUCC.genomics.Data.GeneOntology.OBO} .NET clr documentation



GO as a Graph

The Structure of GO can be described In terms Of a graph, where Each GO term Is a node, And the relationships between the terms are edges between the nodes. GO Is loosely hierarchical, With 'child' terms being more specialized than their 'parent' terms, but unlike a strict hierarchy, a term may have more than one parent term (note that the parent/child model does not hold true for all types of relation) (功能定义,term相当于一个节点,节点之间的继承关系是非严格的,即某一个子节点可能会有多个父节点)

Sample GO Term

The following Is a GO term taken from the OBO format file.

 id: GO : 0016049
 name: cell growth
 Namespace:  biological_process
 def: "The process in which a cell irreversibly increases in size over time by accretion and biosynthetic production of matter similar to that already present." [GOC:ai]
 subset: goslim_generic
 subset: goslim_plant
 subset: gosubset_prok
 synonym: "cell expansion" RELATED []
 synonym: "cellular growth" EXACT []
 synonym: "growth of cell" EXACT []
 is_a: GO:0009987 ! cellular process
 is_a: GO:0040007 ! growth
 relationship: part_of GO : 0008361 ! regulation of cell size


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Data.GeneOntology.OBO
export class Term extends base {
   alt_id: string;
   comment: string;
   consider: string;
   created_by: string;
   creation_date: string;
   # A textual description of what the term represents, plus reference(s) to the source of the information. 
   #  All new terms added to the ontology must have a definition; there remains a very small set of terms 
   #  from the original ontology that lack definitions, but the vast majority of terms are defined.
   def: string;
   disjoint_from: string;
   equivalent_to: string;
   id: string;
   intersection_of: string;
   is_a: string;
   is_obsolete: string;
   name: string;
   namespace: string;
   property_value: string;
   # One or more links that capture how the term relates to other terms in the ontology. All terms 
   #  (other than the root terms representing each namespace, above) have an is a sub-class relationship 
   #  to another term; for example, GO:0015758 : glucose transport is a GO:0015749 : monosaccharide transport. 
   #  The Gene Ontology employs a number of other relations, including part of (e.g. GO:0031966 : 
   #  mitochondrial membrane part of GO:0005740 : mitochondrial envelope) and regulates (e.g. GO:0006916 : 
   #  anti-apoptosis regulates GO:0012501 : programmed cell death). The relations documentation has more 
   #  information on the relations used in the ontology.
   relationship: string;
   replaced_by: string;
   # Indicates that the term belongs to a designated subset of terms, e.g. one of the GO slims.
   subset: string;
   # Alternative words or phrases closely related in meaning to the term name, with indication of the relationship between the name 
   #  and synonym given by the synonym scope. The scopes for GO synonyms are:
   #  + exact
   #    an exact equivalent; interchangeable With the term name
   #    e.g. ornithine cycle Is an exact synonym of urea cycle
   #  + broad
   #    the synonym Is broader than the term name
   #    e.g. cell division Is a broad synonym of cytokinesis
   #  + narrow
   #    the synonym Is narrower Or more precise than the term name
   #    e.g. pyrimidine-dimer repair by photolyase Is a narrow synonym of photoreactive repair
   #  + related
   #    the terms are related In some way Not covered above
   #    e.g. cytochrome bc1 complex Is a related synonym of ubiquinol-cytochrome-c reductase activity virulence Is a related synonym of pathogenesis
   #  Custom synonym types are also used In the ontology. For example, a number Of synonyms are designated As systematic synonyms; 
   #  synonyms Of this type are exact synonyms Of the term name.
   synonym: string;
   # Database cross-references, or dbxrefs, refer to identical or very similar objects in other databases. For instance, 
   #  the molecular function term retinal isomerase activity is cross-referenced with the Enzyme Commission 
   #  entry EC:; the biological process term sulfate assimilation has the cross-reference MetaCyc:PWY-781.
   xref: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from base class: base

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]