base {SMRUCC.genomics.Data.GeneOntology.OBO} .NET clr documentation




# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Data.GeneOntology.OBO
export class base {
   # Every term has a term name—e.g. mitochondrion, glucose transport, amino acid binding—and a unique zero-padded seven digit 
   #  identifier (often called the term accession or term accession number) prefixed by GO:, e.g. GO:0005125 or GO:0060092. 
   #  The numerical portion of the ID has no inherent meaning or relation to the position of the term in the ontologies. 
   #  Ranges of GO IDs are assigned to individual ontology editors or editing groups, and can thus be used to trace who added the term.
   id: string;
   name: string;
   # Denotes which of the three sub-ontologies—cellular component, biological process or molecular function—the term belongs to.
   namespace: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

this clr type has no other .net clr type reference.
[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]