GeneBrief {SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.GenBank.TabularFormat.ComponentModels} .NET clr documentation



The gene brief information data in a ncbi PTT document.(PTT文件之中的一行,即一个基因的对象摘要信息)


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Assembly.NCBI.GenBank.TabularFormat.ComponentModels
export class GeneBrief {
   ATG: integer;
   Code: string;
   COG: string;
   # 基因名,在genbank文件里面是/gene=,基因号,这个应该是GI编号,而非平常比较熟悉的字符串编号
   Gene: string;
   # 判断本对象是否是由LocationDescriptions.BlankSegment1(SMRUCC.genomics.ComponentModel.Loci.NucleotideLocation)``方法所生成的空白片段
   IsBlankSegment: boolean;
   # .ptt => TRUE;  .rnt => FALSE
   IsORF: boolean;
   # The NT length of this ORF.
   Length: integer;
   # The location of this ORF gene on the genome sequence.(包含有PTT文件之中的Location, Strand和Length列)
   Location: NucleotideLocation;
   PID: string;
   # Protein product functional description in the genome.
   #  (基因的蛋白质产物的功能的描述)
   Product: string;
   # The gene's locus_tag data.
   #  (我们所正常熟知的基因编号,PTT对象主要是使用这个属性值来生成字典对象的)
   Synonym: string;
   TGA: integer;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member Location: NucleotideLocation

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