Apply {Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.application.xml.MathML} .NET clr documentation



the math xml data should be parsed via the method: @M:Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.application.xml.MathML.ContentBuilder.ParseXml(Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.application.xml.XmlElement)


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.MIME.application.xml.MathML
export class Apply extends symbols {
   apply: Apply[];
   ci: string;
   cn: constant;
   divide: mathOperator;
   operator: string;
   plus: mathOperator;
   power: mathOperator;
   times: mathOperator;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from symbols class: symbols
  2. use by property member apply: Apply
  3. use by property member cn: constant
  4. use by property member divide: mathOperator
  5. use by property member plus: mathOperator
  6. use by property member power: mathOperator
  7. use by property member times: mathOperator

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]