GCModeller is an open source systems biology software which implemented by Microsoft's .NET Framework technology: written in the famous VisualBasic and Rust language. Developed based on the sciBASC# scientific computing Framework.
- We are trying to found out how does the disease was caused by the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris on their host.
- The efforts of what we does on the GCModeller developed includes: important disease pathway calculation, predicts for the important regulator of the virulence, stress resistance calculation of the bacteria.
In order to clearly explain the mechanisms of such bacteria pathogen system, we try to use the theories and methods of artificial life systems designing to achieve the goal: Make annotation of all the bacteria cell components, do simulation, then data analysis and finally experimental verification. All of these work resulting in the birth of GCModeller Project.

- 谢桂纲, & 关倩倩. (2016, October 10). SMRUCC/GCModeller alpha Release. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.159947
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