{mesh} R# Documentation



#' The National Center For Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
imports "mesh" from "kb";

The National Center For Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) system Is a comprehensive controlled vocabulary used For the indexing And cataloging Of scientific literature In the field Of biomedicine. Developed by the National Library Of Medicine (NLM), MeSH serves As a thesaurus that provides a consistent way To organize And retrieve information from the vast biomedical literature. Here 's an introduction to the NCBI MeSH system: 1. Purpose: The primary purpose Of MeSH Is To enable the efficient retrieval Of information from the PubMed database And other NLM databases. It helps researchers, healthcare professionals, And the general Public find relevant articles And resources. 2. Structure: MeSH Is structured hierarchically, with a tree-Like organization. It consists of Descriptors (main headings), Qualifiers (subheadings), And Entry Terms (synonyms Or related terms). Descriptors are organized into 16 main categories, known as Trees. 3. Descriptors: Descriptors are the main indexing terms used To describe the subject Of an article. Each Descriptor Is assigned a unique MeSH ID And can have multiple Entry Terms associated With it. 4. Trees: The 16 main Trees in MeSH are: - Anatomy - Organisms - Diseases - Chemicals And Drugs - Analytical, Diagnostic And Therapeutic Techniques And Equipment - Psychiatry And Psychology - Phenomena And Processes - Disciplines And Occupations - Anthropology, Education, Sociology, And Social Phenomena - Technology, Industry, And Agriculture - Humanities - Information Science - Named Groups - Health Care - Publication Characteristics - Geographicals 5. Qualifiers: These are used To describe the specific aspects Of a Descriptor. For example, "Drug Therapy" might be a Qualifier For the Descriptor "Hypertension." 6. Entry Terms: These are synonyms Or closely related terms To the Descriptors. They help ensure that users can find relevant information even If they use different terminology. 7. Updates: MeSH Is updated annually To reflect the evolving nature Of biomedical research. New Descriptors, Qualifiers, And Entry Terms are added, while outdated terms are removed Or revised. 8. Search And Navigation: Users can search For MeSH terms directly In the MeSH Browser Or use them To refine searches In PubMed. The hierarchical Structure Of MeSH allows users To navigate from broad To more specific topics. 9. Integration with PubMed: MeSH terms are used To index articles In PubMed. When users search For a specific topic, they can use MeSH terms To ensure they retrieve the most relevant And comprehensive results.

.NET clr type export
ncbi_mesh: Term

the mesh tree

.NET clr function exports

Parse the ncbi pubmed mesh term dataset


get mesh category values that assign to current mesh term


read the tree of mesh terms


build background model for enrichment based on ncbi mesh terms

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