Config {SMRUCC.genomics.Visualize.ChromosomeMap.Configuration} .NET clr documentation





# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Visualize.ChromosomeMap.Configuration
export class Config {
   AddLegend: string;
   AspectRatio: string;
   DefaultRNAColor: string;
   DeletionMutation: string;
   FLAG_HEIGHT: string;
   FlagLength: integer;
   FunctionAlignment: string;
   FunctionAnnotationFont: string;
   GeneObjectHeight: integer;
   IntegrationMutant: string;
   LegendFont: string;
   LineHeight: string;
   LineLength: double;
   LocusTagFont: string;
   Margin: integer;
   NoneCogColor: string;
   # Due to the GDI+ limitations in the .NET Framework, the image size is limited by your computer memory size, if you want to
   #  drawing a very large size image, please running this script on a 64bit platform operating system, or you will get a 
   #  exception about the GDI+ error: parameter is not valid and then you should try a smaller resolution of the drawing output image.
   #  Value format: [,]
   #  Example:
   #  Both specific the size property: 12000,8000
   #  Which means the drawing script will generate a image file in resolution of width is value 12000 pixels and image height is 8000 pixels.
   Resolution: string;
   ribosomalRNAColor: string;
   SavedFormat: string;
   SecondaryRuleFont: string;
   tRNAColor: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

this clr type has no other .net clr type reference.
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