Reaction {SMRUCC.genomics.Model.SBML.Level3} .NET clr documentation



the base element model of the sbml


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Model.SBML.Level3
export class Reaction extends IPartsBase {
   annotation: annotation;
   compartment: string;
   fast: boolean;
   id: string;
   listOfModifiers: iterates(modifierSpeciesReference);
   listOfProducts: iterates(SpeciesReference);
   listOfReactants: iterates(SpeciesReference);
   name: string;
   notes: Notes;
   reversible: boolean;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from IPartsBase class: IPartsBase
  2. use by property member annotation: annotation
  3. use by property member listOfModifiers: iterates(modifierSpeciesReference)
  4. use by property member listOfProducts: iterates(SpeciesReference)
  5. use by property member listOfReactants: iterates(SpeciesReference)
  6. use by property member notes: Notes

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]