proteins {SMRUCC.genomics.Data.BioCyc} .NET clr documentation




# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Data.BioCyc
export class proteins extends Model {
   citations: string;
   comment: string;
   commonName: string;
   credits: string;
   db_links: DBLink[];
   db_xrefs: string;
   # the source gene id that make translation to this protein
   gene: string;
   instanceNameTemplate: string;
   locations: string;
   protseq: string;
   synonyms: string;
   types: string;
   uniqueId: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from Model class: Model
  2. use by property member db_links: DBLink

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]