PathwayBrief {SMRUCC.genomics.ComponentModel.Annotation} .NET clr documentation



An abstract biological pathway model


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.ComponentModel.Annotation
export class PathwayBrief extends XmlDataModel {
   # 和具体的物种的编号无关的在KEGG数据库之中的参考对象的编号
   briteID: string;
   # the function description text of the current pathway object
   description: string;
   # the reference id of the current pathway object
   EntryId: string;
   # The map title display name
   name: string;
   Stylesheet: XmlStyleProcessor;
   TypeComment: XmlComment;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from XmlDataModel class: XmlDataModel
  2. use by property member Stylesheet: XmlStyleProcessor
  3. use by property member TypeComment: XmlComment

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]