SmithWaterman {SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.SequenceTools} .NET clr documentation



Smith-Waterman local alignment algorithm.

Design Note: this class implements AminoAcids interface: a simple fix customized to amino acids, since that is all we deal with in this class Supporting both DNA and Aminoacids, will require a more general design.


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.SequenceTools
export class SmithWaterman extends GSW`1 {
   AlignmentScore: double;
   MaxScore: double;
   prevCells: Int32[][];
   query: string;
   score: Double[][];
   subject: string;
   symbol: GenericSymbol`1;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from GSW`1 class: GSW`1
  2. use by property member prevCells: Int32[]
  3. use by property member score: Double[]
  4. use by property member symbol: GenericSymbol`1

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