OTUTable {SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.Metagenome} .NET clr documentation



OTU table (sequence count table)

A OTU table contains the number of sequences that are observed for each taxonomic unit (OTUs) in each samples. Columns usually represent samples and rows represent genera or species specific taxonomic units (OTUs). OTU tables are often saved as BIOM formatted files. ### Limited taxonomic resolution OTU resolution depends On the 16S approach which has some limits In distinguishing at the species level, For example, Escherichia coli And Shigella spp. share almost identical 16S rRNA gene sequences. Alternative approaches are developed To achieve higher resolution up To strain level by considering larger Or complete sets Of genes.

这个对象记录了当前的宏基因组实验之中的每一个OTU在样品之中的含量的多少 这个对象的数据结构与OTUData`1类似, 二者可以做等价替换


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.Metagenome
export class OTUTable extends DataSet {
   ID: string;
   Properties: list;
   # OTU编号所对应的物种分类信息
   taxonomy: Taxonomy;
   Vector: double;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from DataSet class: DataSet
  2. use by property member Properties: list
  3. use by property member taxonomy: Taxonomy

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]