DataFrameRow {SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.HTS.DataFrame} .NET clr documentation



The gene expression data samples file. (基因的表达数据样本)

the gene expression model implements the IVector model, could be converts a vector.


# namespace SMRUCC.genomics.Analysis.HTS.DataFrame
export class DataFrameRow {
   # This gene's expression value in the different experiment condition.(同一个基因在不同实验之下的表达值)
   experiments: double;
   # The unique reference id of current expression data vector
   geneID: string;
   # Gets the sample counts of current gene expression data.(获取基因表达数据样本数目)
   samples: integer;


.NET clr type reference tree

this clr type has no other .net clr type reference.
[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]