SvgContainer {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.SVG.XML} .NET clr documentation




理论上应该是SvgGroup 对象容器


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.SVG.XML
export class SvgContainer extends SvgElement {
   Fill: string;
   FillOpacity: double;
   filter: string;
   Id: string;
   # try to get the last created SvgElement in this svg document data.
   lastElement: SvgElement;
   Stroke: string;
   StrokeDashArray: double;
   StrokeLineCap: SvgStrokeLineCap;
   StrokeOpacity: double;
   StrokeWidth: double;
   Style: string;
   TabIndex: Nullable`1;
   Transform: string;
   Visible: boolean;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from SvgElement class: SvgElement
  2. use by property member lastElement: SvgElement
  3. use by property member StrokeLineCap: SvgStrokeLineCap
  4. use by property member TabIndex: Nullable`1

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]