File {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.IO} .NET clr documentation



A comma character seperate table file that can be read and write in the EXCEL. (一个能够被Excel程序所读取的表格文件)

csv object will enumerates all of the row objects in the @F:Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.IO.File._innerTable.


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.IO
export class File {
   # 将本文件之中的所有列取出来,假若有任意一个列的元素的数目不够的话,则会在相应的位置之上使用空白来替换
   Columns: iterates(String[]);
   EstimatedFileSize: double;
   # The first row in the table was using as the headers
   Headers: RowObject;
   IsReadOnly: boolean;
   # Row Counts
   RowNumbers: integer;
   # Get all rows in current table object
   Rows: RowObject[];
   # Get the max width number of the rows in the table.(返回表中的元素最多的一列的列数目)
   Width: integer;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member Columns: iterates(String)
  2. use by property member Headers: RowObject
  3. use by property member Rows: RowObject

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]